2013-06-09 - Sunday Austin Memory Lane

^z 28th February 2023 at 8:29pm

~6 miles @ ~10.8 min/mi

Mad dogs and Zimmermanns go out in the midday Texas sun — in this case, to ramble past old haunts. The trek today takes me by J. E. Pearce Junior High School, from which I graduated in 1966, and the Windsor Village strip-mall where for several years then I worked in the local Austin Public Library branch shelving books. Sunflowers, mockingbirds, and kids waiting for a bus nod as I pass by.

A zig-zag through smaller streets gets me to Cameron Rd near a Taco Bell; sadly I have no money. The big Capital Plaza shopping center is still here from decades past, but the stores that occupy it have almost all changed. I pass Redeemer Lutheran Church, which my Mother is still a member of. This morning the pastor was talking after the service with a Mexican-American lady who reported feeling unwelcome at another congregation: "It's sad," he tells her, "but the Devil works hardest inside these walls." The sermon (based on Luke 7:11-16) begins with Jesus raising a widow's son from the dead, and then turns to focus on the social situation of the widow and how she became a part of society again. It's about connections.

Continuing under the US-290 highway I arrive at my high school, John H. Reagan, named for the 19th century Texas politician. It takes some exploration to find an opening in the fence around the grounds. Eventually I random-walk past the big gymnasium where the double-negative motto "Not Without Honor" still graces the wall, along with dates commemorating victories in the Texas State football championship.

Then it's a homeward trot along the highway frontage road — sidewalks are wide in Texas, thankfully — and local streets again.. Runkeeper shows 6.20 miles, including a wiggle at the end that I add to make sure the total exceeds 6 safely.

^z - 2013-07-04